Andar por Madrid se me antoja melancólico ahora que has pateado estas calles conmigo.

And I seat where we used to. Looking at the horizon, like we used to. Think a little bit about the future, not too much, "enjoy every bite of the present", you used to say. Listen to the music we used to. Remember how you laughed when I behaved stupid, something I'm used to. Taste every single second of my memories. I play a movie, one of these we used to. Play it in french, no subtitles, like we used to. Lay on bed and stare at the roof, like we used to. Im not holding your hand this time, but I know I will soon. I light the small red lamp, like you used to. Jump on my bed, like I always do. Sing to you in Spanish, like I used to. And even if I'm gonna miss you again, and you're gonna do it too, we both now it's all worth it, cause we'll see each other and well be joyful again, like we used to.

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